Welcome to the Callaghan Corner Family Blog!

Monday, November 23, 2009


We had a great weekend!!! Saturday was normal schedule except we had our quarterly mission's meeting. It was a Christmas theme as we were collecting a love offering to send to our missionaries. We had a good turn-out with 25 or 26 people there. We enjoyed a nice spaghetti dinner, played one short game, collected an offering, prayed for our missionaries and dismissed. I always enjoy getting together with others in our church!

Sunday was the last day of the fall program. We had a big push for visitors and, as is our custom, gave away a free turkey to all bus parents who came and any visiting adults. We had LOTS of visitors! We had 7 visitors in the teen department alone, and about 19 adult visitors! WOW! Great to see God's house packed out on a Sunday morning! I had 17 ladies in my teen class! AWESOME! 5 of these were visitors. Dan had I believe 13 guys in his class as well! Our teens worked SO hard to bring visitors this program. We are SUPER proud of our kids for their hard work and also in going out of their way to be friendly to all the new teens.

Today Darren and I got to go grocery shopping for all our Thanksgiving food supplies. Our cupboards are bursting with holiday goodies waiting to be baked! Can't wait to start baking all my pies and goodies!! Aahhh...I LOVE Thanksgiving and the coming holiday season! What a wonderful thing to have a day dedicated to giving thanks and enjoying the fellowship of family...and food!! We all have SO much to be thankful for!

By the way, if you read my blog and have an extra 30 seconds, please post me a note in the box to the right. I LOVE knowing what people visit my blog and stay up-to-date with our family! It is just as simple as sending a text...type your name...a few words...and your done! (You do not have to enter your email if you do not wish to.) Hope you enjoy reading; I LOVE hearing from you!

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