"The Bible is the WordaGod!"...Darren's interpretation! He was proud of himself for having his little new testament in Sunday School. He even got a dollar for bringing it to Sunday school today so he is proudly displaying his Bible and prize!
I am glad my son looks forward to going to church!

We had a great Sunday at church. Good crowd this morning and tonight. We had 18 of our teens back at church tonight and in SNAC played a game of "C'Mon Fill the Bowl!" Teens had to pass a spoonful of cheerios from spoon to spoon from a full bowl to the empty bowl at the other end of the table. Whichever side of the table had the most Cheerios in their bowl by the end of 3 minutes won. Very entertaining since they ALWAYS cheat! Ha! Then we all sat around the table and ate cereal and milk. Fun! LOVE our kids!
Excited about our snow trip to Lake Tahoe this coming Saturday! Teens are excited too.
God's house is a great place to be!
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