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Monday, January 25, 2010

Fun in the snow!

We had a great time with the teens in the snow in South Lake Tahoe on Saturday. There was LOTS of snow this weekend, great for sledding. I got some beautiful pictures of the snow.

One of the girls took some pictures of the teens sledding for me. We had 20 of us all together. We had a great time and no one broke any bones, which is a great thing!
In one of the vans ready to go....

Snowboarding on a sled?!

Jack Frost...

Whew! Not easy getting back up that hill...

Ready for the snow...

Dan's brother came along to drive the other vehicle...

Our youth department dare-devil...having fun...

Helen and one of the teen girls covered in snow after a trip down the hill...

Somebody get me out of here...

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a great time!!! I'd have froze!! Did it feel like Indiana?
