I love the Library! I think I have as much fun picking out all the old books from my childhood to read to my son as he has in hearing them! Frog and Toad, Curious George, Blueberries for Sal, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, etc. etc.!!
Darren and I are going to make Thursday morning our Library date! He was jumping up and down with excitement about ALL the books we were bring home and the special "Thomas the Train" video we were going to watch!
We had so much fun wandering through the few small shelves of our little Kensington Library. I think the smaller ones are nicer. They feel like an extension of your home; our little library in Griffith, IN always felt that way to me. I knew every little corner and turn as a child and can still see it in my mind.
I am not quite the avid reader that I wish I was. However, I feel it was in those VERY frequent Library trips that I developed my love for the English language. A love that led me to major in English for my college education.
I am saddened by the decline of knowledge most young people have today of our beautiful language. I certainly hope to help my son learn as many words as possible a young child. I feel quite certain this will help him when he reaches the Junior High and High school years of his education even if English isn't his favorite subject!
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