A TOTALLY AWESOME Day off with my wonderful Babe and my cute little Bud. Dan arranged for someone to teach his class for him and spent the WHOLE DAY just having fun with Darren and I..."Just Because!"
Our view from the hill where we were flying our kites...

We have been
super busy lately so this special day meant the world to me! What a wonderful man!
He worked last night, of course, so he slept in a bit. We ate breakfast then left to go to the city. We flew kites by the water and ate a picnic lunch.
Mommy and Darren flying kites near Ghirardelli Square...


Darren flying both kites by himself...
Daddy and Darren...

Then we were able to tour the sailing ship, Balclutha of 1886. WOW! That was by far THE coolest thing I have ever done in San Francisco! I love links to the past and seeing how they operated. We were just going to walk by it, but found out it was FREE DAY! We didn't even know they had one! A big HUG from God!! (We also found FREE PARKING!! Another BIG hug from God!)
The Balclutha of 1886...

SMOOOches for Daddy, as Darren calls them!
The ship is amazing as it still has almost all things original including much of the original flooring. There are 3 decks. The very bottom deck is currently under preservation construction but we were allowed on all other levels. WOW!! I know my Dad would have LOVED that, the Navy man! Darren loved it because it was just like "Taptain Hook's Pirate Ship!"
Some of the bunks below deck...

Part of the Captain's Quarters...

A Crew member aloft in the rigging!

Daddy and Darren up by the bow of the ship...
The VERY small Galley!
Hugs for mommy on deck!
A clear day to see Alcatraz too!
After our family fun. We took Darren home and laid him down for a nap. Grandma watched him and Dan and I took off for a "just us" date!! I requested a trip to the Pacific. One of my VERY favorite things to do. The weather today was AMAZING and it was very clear tonight as you will see in the pictures.
We enjoyed a little hike down to the water and then just enjoyed the beautiful surf until sunset. Then what could better finish off the evening? SEAFOOD! We split an amazing bowl of clam chowder and an order of fresh fish and chips at Barbara's Fish Trap in Half Moon Bay. One of our absolute FAVORITES!

This day is at the top of the charts as one of my very favorites!!! Thank you, God, for spoiling us today, and thank you for family...especially the sweetness of a family centered around You!