Trips to the park, picnics, visiting the Jelly Belly Factory, sharing ice cream cones and just being home together!
We are planning to go to the apple orchard and pick some fresh apples soon! Can't wait to make some fresh apple butter and apple pies!! Mmmm!! Puts me in the mood for fall and Christmas and BAKING! I love to bake!
I am excited to be getting closer to the arrival of our little girl! We are excited about this new coming addition to our family. Darren is excited about having a baby sister come near Christmas time!
I am posting a few miscellaneous pictures from the last few weeks. Enjoy!
We enjoyed dinner at Cioppino's on the wharf in San Francisco with My Aunt Priscilla, Uncle Jerry and cousin Kristi from Florida! They were on a road trip and stopped in the city overnight. We got to meet them for dinner and had SO much fun! They are sweet people! They even treated us to dinner which was a thoughtful surprise.
Kristi sat across from Darren and played trains with him. He found a new friend!!
The three Callaghan's at dinner...

Angie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, came out in August for the birth of their new grandson, Andrew David. We all went to downtown Emeryville and ate at Fuddrucker's Hamburgers. We had a great time with them. They are WONDERFUL people! I think Angie and I grew up in very similar homes!